
How It Works


  • Import documents from a variety of online sources or directly from your computer.
  • Monitor and download websites or RSS feeds in real-time or use our API to load your documents in bulk.
  • Salient reads a range of formats, such as PDF, Word, XML, Spreadsheets, and email files.
  • Documents are immediately parsed and analyzed using a sophisticated natural language processing pipeline.

Search & Visualize

  • Sophisticated semantic search and visualization tools let you quickly navigate your documents and find what you need.
  • The concept-based search reveals relevant documents despite differences in phrasing.
  • Get an overview of the concepts in documents and search results with word clouds.

Tag & Annotate

  • Automatic document tagging based on content, with tags linked to broad related concepts to organize your data.
  • Smart Highlighters enable Salient to learn from the words and sentences you annotate and suggest new annotations.

Analyse & Compare

  • Salient identifies people, places and organizations in your documents and the connections and relationships between them.
  • Use Patterns and Smart Highlighters to convert text into structured data.
  • Extract and search tables embedded in PDFs and compare different version of documents.
  • Export your results and visualizations as Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, and other common formats.


  • Enrich your documents with expert knowledge and use that to refine and build on your analysis.
  • Salient learns what you're looking for and then highlights relevant information in all your documents.
  • Newly imported documents automatically benefit from what you've already taught Salient. Teach it once and use it again and again.