
accelerate your LIBOR transition

“Some say only two things in life are guaranteed: death and taxes. But I say there are actually three: death, taxes, and the end of LIBOR.”
- John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “LIBOR: The Clock is Ticking.”

Automatically tag LIBOR instruments

Rapidly identify fallback mechanisms

Minimise the risk of human error

Collect thousands of contracts in one place

$300 trillion of LIBOR based contracts outstanding today

Salient accelerates the first step of your transition plan by helping identify LIBOR linked contracts.

  • Automatically classify contract documents in your legacy book
  • Identify LIBOR linked securities using artificial intelligence
  • Extract maturity dates and notional amounts to help quantify exposure

Existing fallback mechanisms need to be identified then amended

Fallback provision language varies significantly but that isn't a problem for Salient's AI powered search.

  • Rapidly locate fallback provisions across all contracts
  • Collect and organize relevant clauses
  • Group similar provisions to help understand your existing agreements

Massive volume of documents poses challenges

Many types of contracts, some obvious, others more subtle, may have an IBOR dependence.

  • Rapidly analyze tens of thousands of contracts
  • Salient will automatically OCR your documents to save you time
  • Deploy on premise or use in a secure cloud environment